Lavé Nuts for Your Laundry!

At appx 22¢ per load - Lavé Nuts (AKA soap nuts) are an economical and reusable choice all the way to composting! You’re safe…go nuts 🥜 here

soap nut berries Sapindus Mukrossi hanging from the tree outdoors

All-Natural Laundry Wonder

Lavé Nuts are organic deseeded soap nut berries grown and cultivated from trees, the Sapindus Mukrossi, which are naturally chemical and fragrance-FREE!

Get Your Lavé Nuts!

  • Zero-Waste Product

    With love for our planet - Lavé Nuts can be reused for approximately 4-6 wash cycles before composting. The Lavé Nuts wash pouch can be reused until worn and then recycled. The Lavé Nut packaging is 100% biodegradable.

  • Naked/ Unscented

    These organic soap nut berries are harvested straight from trees, naturally dried, and deseeded. An all-natural clean without any chemicals and fragrances. Perfect for those with skin sensitivities. Nut allergy safe.

  • Cleansing & Softening

    Lavé Nuts is an organic, all-natural solution for your laundry. The soap nut berries have a pure low-sud surfactant straight from nature! The natural saponin element from the shells also provides a natural softening agent.

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